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Freedom & Forward-thinking :: Aquarius New Moon/Chinese Lunar New Year


New Moon, New Habit: Limiting time on technology, social media, or Internet.

Aquarius rules the nervous system and the firing of neurons, and also the frying of it. While Aquarius craves technology it is the same energy that exhausts it and over stimulates the sensitive body system. Pay attention to your eyes and brain during this new moon and how to best soothe its overactive energies. You might even consider taking a break from social media or caffeine...gulp.

Tools for this habit:

-Use Screen Time app on iPhone, by going to "Settings" and "Screen Time," then App Limits

-For Android or iPhone there is also Offtime or Breakfree

-On your computer, Focus Me or Freedom


Keywords/Themes: Originality, impulse, sudden change, radical energy, divine mind, intuition, rebel, eccentricity, innovation, freedom, epiphany, defiance of authority, community

Collective Consciousness:

This next lunar month begins with the new moon in innovative and quirky Aquarius. Aquarius energy invites us into possibility, originality, and if we’re lucky, our zany and eccentric side. It may stir up restlessness or give us sudden insights into unconscious and conscious aspects or patterns of ourselves we may not have been able to access before.

Aquarius seeks freedom and awakening and pulls us into future versions of ourselves. Another important aspect of Aquarius is its concern with the collective consciousness and communal thinking. Although its often tech savvy ways cannot be ignored as many prominent entrepreneurs also have this as a Sun or Moon sign. The air sign connects us to energies of originality, eccentricity, freedom, radical expression, and epiphanies of all sorts. It concerns us with the realm of humanity, community and invites us to ponder our place within the whole.

When activated, Aquarius compels us to consider social justice and the collective experience of humankind. However, Aquarius isn’t all creativity and humanitarian, as even the sign of expansion has a shadow. When in its less desirable expression, Aquarius can be aloof, non-committal, or detached. Because it likes to create things, it may also be difficult to keep interest in them long enough for completion. Another aspect to watch out for with Aquarius detriment is the sense of being completely unique in such a way that it feels it can’t relate to others.

Mercury sits next to the new moon offering an analytical angle or an invitation into intuition. In the sign of Aquarius, the thinking planet aligns with “forward thinking” and outside-of-the-box ideas. Though watch out for the monkey mind and restless tendencies this combination may evoke.

Jupiter also adds a supportive energy to this new moon through a subtle sextile angle. This energy may be felt as a heart opening or sense of gratitude and optimism. Other current astrological energies of influence include a Neptune square Jupiter tension of illusions and ideals and the subtle Saturn sextile Neptune grounding our visions into reality. This new moon is also the Chinese Lunar New Year and while the Eastern and Western zodiac systems are very different though they both evoke a sense of renewal. With the recent Imbolc Pagan holiday we get closer and closer to the astrological new year of spring season.

Perhaps the greatest gift of this Aquarius New Moon is the possibility of evolution both personally and collectively. Be prepared for potential epiphanies or a stirring up of your own inner rebel, with or without a cause.

Individual Integration:

Below are rituals or easy ways to celebrate this new moon for your moon sign by element, don't know your moon sign then it is probably time for a reading.;)

Fire :: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Moon Signs // Start a new creative project or finish an old one

Earth :: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Moon Signs // Get out of a possible rut by trying something new or going somewhere you've never been

Air :: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Moon Signs // Read or watch films or documentaries that highlight those who have stepped out of the norm

Water :: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Moon Signs // Focus on a meditation that soothes the nervous system and opens the way for sparks of insight

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