Wednesday, March 6, 2019 @ 8:04 a.m. PT/11:04 a.m. ET/4:04 p.m. UTC
*Conjunct Neptune
*Conjunct Vesta
*Sextile Mars
New Moon, New Habit: Meditate for 10 minutes a day.
Pisces connects us to the realms beyond and helps us get into the flow. Nothing does quite that like a few minutes of meditation. Starting or restarting a meditation practice is also ideal with Mercury retrograde as the linear thinking mind may be more slow than normal. You can use an app such as Calm or Headspace to track or a timer on your phone.
Collective unConscious:
Pisces lunar phase invites us into a bit of dreamland the next month and this new moon initiates into the watery existence. Pisces in its best helps us go enter meditative states of surrender and rest. It's an ideal time for meditation (duh) or honing your craft with music, photography, or film. With Mercury also in Pisces in retrograde our intuitive and imaginative minds beckon us into paying more attention and slowing waaaay down. The lost at sea feeling Pisces (and Neptune) evoke can be best harnessed through flowing not forces.
And with this much Pisces, we may not feel there is much of a choice.;) The shadow side of this much Pisces can be illusions, deception, or fantasy. We may not fully see things clearly, or see what we want to see rather than the varied versions of reality of any situation. This new moon occurs next to the King of the Ocean Neptune and the asteroid of ritual Vesta. These two planetary bodies suggest that a ritualizing of this energy may help make it easier to navigate. Whereas the sextile to Mars indicates action in tune with intuition can reap synchronicity galore.
Individual Integration:
There are many ways to stay in the flow with this Piscean dream realm including:
Paying more attention to dreams or better yet, writing them down (very Sun and Mercury in Pisces)
Going to concerts or connecting to your own music or other gifts
Pick up your camera/iPhone or take a class on photography
Indulge in film or your favorite movies
Go to a hot springs or take more baths instead of working more;)