Tuesday, November 12 @ 5:35 a.m. PT/8:35 a.m. ET *Conjunct Vesta
*Trine Saturn
*Trine Pluto
*Sextile Black Moon Lilith
Keywords/Themes/Unconscious needs: Stability, security, beauty, connection, desire, seduction, magnetism, Eros, fashion & the arts, lover, artist, muse, Cupid, romantic relationship, money, possessions, value, sacred sex, sensuality
Elevated Expressions: healthy sensuality, connection, kindness, patience
Detrimental/Shadow Expressions: vanity, laziness, co-dependency, objectification of self and others, materialistic
Collective unConscious:
Taurus moon craves sweetness and beauty, with some Earthy sensuality thrown in for good measure. It also navigates the realms of the erotic self of creativity and magnetism. It activates our desire for connection to ourselves, others, but also Earth itself. The Earthly, second sign of the zodiac reminds us to stop and smell the roses and appreciate the finer things in life while also honoring productivity.
The shadow side of Taurus can be indulgence, materialistic, or bull-headedness. All things to notice during this full moon, as well as where we avoid connection. Exactly next to Vesta, we can perhaps find more sweetness and pleasure in simplicity and the magic of the mundane and our own sensuality. Taurus full moons are often favorites as the moon is said to be in its best position when in Taurus, though even Taurus has its flaws. This full moon trines Pluto and Saturn and suggests something may be uncovered that could be less pleasant. Utilize this full moon to come into contact with what you hold sacred and perhaps even your own sensuality.
Rituals for Individual Integration by Moon Element:
Earth element// Take a slow walk outside, or one of my favorite Taurus sun activities...eating cake under a tree. Or a meal with others.
Air element // Read a romance novel, tantric book, or watch a romantic movie to spark desire, or meditation on second chakra
Water element // Bathtime with chocolate or books, tea, music, candles, get all the sense involved.
Fire element // Honor Vesta through sacred sex practice with self or solo, light lots of candles.